Successful applicants will be granted British citizenship by descent, which typically means that you won’t be able to pass British citizenship to children born outside of British territories. Our team of specialized immigration solicitors is available to provide expert legal advice and representation for your UKM application on a fixed-fee basis. You can ask questions online for free or book a consultation for in-depth guidance on your application for British citizenship.
Born Before January 1, 1983: You were born prior to this date.
Descent from a British Mother: You would have automatically become a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by descent if, at the time of your birth, women could pass citizenship to their children in the same manner as men.
Right of Abode in the UK: You would have acquired the right of abode in the UK if:
o Your mother was a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by birth, legal adoption,
naturalization, or registration in the UK, Channel Islands, or Isle of Man at the time of
your birth.
o One of your mother's parents was a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies under
the same criteria at the time of her birth.
o One of your father's parents met the same citizenship criteria at the time of his birth.
o You resided continuously in the UK for five years before 1983 and became settled by the
end of that period.
o You are a woman who was married to a man with the right of abode in the UK before
January 1, 1983.
The second requirement confirms that you would have been a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by descent if women had been able to pass on citizenship at the time of your birth, as men did. This requirement will be met if, at your birth:
If your application is approved and you reside in the UK, you will be invited to attend a citizenship ceremony. The Home Office, UKVI, will send you an invitation letter, which will detail the local authority you need to contact to arrange the ceremony. You must attend the ceremony within three months of receiving your invitation; otherwise, your registration may be canceled, requiring you to reapply and pay the processing fee again. For those living abroad, the citizenship ceremony will be held at the nearest British embassy or consulate in your country. At the ceremony, you will be asked to affirm or swear an oath of allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen and pledge your loyalty to the UK. You will then receive your certificate of registration as a British citizen. This oath (or affirmation) and pledge are legal requirements and signify the moment you officially become a British citizen. Exemptions from attending the ceremony are rare and only granted in cases of physical or mental incapacity. If you believe you qualify for an exemption, you must provide a valid reason with supporting evidence.
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+44 7402020027