. You can switch to a skilled worker visa from inside the UK only if you are not currently in the UK with leave to remain, from which switching is not permitted from inside the UK. An application for switching into a skilled worker visa is applied in accordance with the requirements set out in Appendix Skilled Worker, Appendix Skilled Occupations, and Appendix Immigration Salary List.
Switching to a Skilled Worker Visa from inside the UK is a significant step for individuals seeking to continue their employment or pursue new opportunities in the country and it offers a pathway for skilled individuals to continue their professional journey in the UK. With changes in immigration rules and UKVI policy guidance, understanding the process and requirements is crucial for a smooth transition. By understanding the eligibility criteria, application process, and important considerations, applicants can smoothly navigate the process of switching to a skilled worker visa and embark on a fulfilling career path in the UK.
The Skilled Worker Visa is designed for individuals who have a confirmed job offer from a UK-based employer and possess the required skills, qualifications, and English language proficiency. This visa route replaced the Tier 2 (General) visa in December 2020, aimed at attracting skilled workers from around the world to contribute to the UK workforce
Free Immigration Advice Online For Switching To a Skilled Worker Visa
Our specialist team of work visa solicitors can provide one-off free immigration advice online regarding your application for switching to a skilled worker visa from inside the UK. Ask a question to our specialist team of skilled worker visa solicitors for free immigration advice online, or book an appointment online for detailed immigration advice with our specialist skilled worker visa solicitors.
What Are The Requirements For Switching Into Skilled Worker Visa UK?
The applicant must meet the following requirements of the Immigration Rules to successfully switch to a Skilled Worker visa from inside the UK:
Valid Application:The applicant must submit a valid application for switching to a skilled worker visa from inside the UK.
Valid Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS): The applicant must have a certificate of sponsorship that was issued to them by their sponsor no more than 3 months before the date of application.
Points Requirement: The applicant must score 50 points from mandatory non-tradeable points and score at least 20 points from tradeable points.
Applicant's Age: The applicant must be aged 18 or over at the date of application for switching to a skilled worker visa.
Immigration Status Requirement: An applicant who is applying for switching to a skilled worker visa must be in the UK on the date of application and must not have, or have last been granted, permission:
as a Visitor;
as a Short-term student;
as a Parent of a Child Student;
as a Seasonal Worker;
as a Domestic Worker in a Private Household;
outside the Immigration Rules.
The application process for skilled worker visas asks applicants and sponsors to provide all relevant information that might attract tradeable points. Applicants can score tradeable points in more than one way (although they cannot mix and match different options).To secure a successful skilled worker visa, an applicant must amass 20 tradeable points. These points can be acquired through various options, each offering its own set of criteria for point allocation. However, please note that the applicant can claim 20 points from only one of the available options.
The applicant must be awarded 20 points from one of the options in the table below and for the purpose of meeting these points:
(a) an applicant can only be awarded points from options A to E, unless they meet the requirements in (b) or (c).
(b) An applicant can only be awarded points from options F to J if:
(i) they are being sponsored for a Health and Care ASHE salary job;
(ii) the date of application is before 4 April 2030, they were granted permission as a Skilled Worker under the rules in place before 4 April 2024, and they have had continuous permission as a Skilled Worker since then (except that where paragraph 39E applies, that period of overstaying will be disregarded).
(c) An applicant can only be awarded points from option K if they are being sponsored for a job in an appropriate eligible SOC 2020 occupation code listed in Table 3 of Appendix Skilled Occupations.
If your initial Certified of Sponsorship (CoS) was assigned on or after 4 April 2024, you will usually need to be paid the standard salary rate of at least £38,700 per year, or the going rate
Some health and education occupation codes are listed in Table 3 of Appendix Skilled Occupations. The going rates for these occupations are taken from national pay scales and no discounts to the going rates are available. If an applicant is being sponsored in an occupation code in Table 3, they can only score tradeable points based on option K.
The applicant applying for a skilled worker visa UK can score 20 tradeable points under Option K in accordance with requirements of SW13.1 to 13.3 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant is being sponsored for a job in a listed health or education occupation and their salary equals or exceeds both:
£23,200 per year;
the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 3 of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.
As specialist skilled worker visa solicitors based in London, we are registered with the Home Office, UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) and its commercial partners UKVCAS Sopra Steria to provide Priority Service or Super Priority Service for switching into skilled worker visa whereby decision on your skilled worker visa application will be made within 24 hours if you submit your application through Super Priority Service or within 5 working days if you submit your application through Priority Service. Our skilled worker visa solicitors can prepare and submit your application to switch to a skilled worker visa faster and get you a decision on your application faster through Priority or Super Priority Service. This way, you will not have to wait for the decision on your Skilled Worker visa application for months (sometimes years).
Our specialist team of skilled worker visa solicitors can provide expert immigration advice and legal representations for your application to switch to a skilled worker visa on a fixed fee basis. Our skilled worker visa solicitors can legally represent you in your application for switching to a skilled worker visa and carry out all the work on your application until a decision by the Home Office UKVI on your skilled worker visa application. The immigration casework to be carried out by our immigration solicitors in relation to your application for switching to a skilled worker visa will entail the following:
Advice on requirements:Our skilled worker visa solicitors will advise you on the relevant requirements you have to meet for your application for switching to a skilled worker visa to be successful;
Documentary advice:Our skilled worker visa solicitors will prepare and email you a comprehensive list of supporting documents to be submitted in support of your application for switching to a skilled worker visa;
Assessing documents:Our skilled worker visa lawyers will assess your documents to make sure that all the documents you provide in support of your application for switching to a skilled worker visa are in accordance with the requirements of the immigration rules;
Completing the application form:Our skilled worker visa lawyers will complete the relevant application form for your application for switching to a skilled worker visa;
Submitting an application through Priority or Super Priority Service:If required, our skilled worker visa lawyers will submit your application for switching to a skilled worker visa online through priority/super priority service to get a faster decision on your application for switching to a skilled worker visa;
Booking an appointment with the application centre:After the online submission of your application for switching to a skilled worker visa, our skilled worker visa lawyers will book your appointment with the application centre for you to enrol your biometrics;
Detailed cover letter:Our specialist skilled worker visa solicitors will prepare a detailed cover letter in support of your application for switching to a skilled worker visa to explain all the relevant legal requirements for your application to be approved by the Home Office UKVI;
Skilled Worker Sponsor Licence
Entry Clearance For Skilled Worker Visa UK
Student Switching To Skilled Worker Visa
Extension Of Skilled Worker Visa UK
Updating Skilled Worker Visa UK
ILR As A Skilled Worker
Skilled Worker Dependants
Work Visas UK
Administrative Review Of UK Visa Refusal
Switching to a skilled worker visa means changing from another type of UK visa to a skilled worker visa from inside the UK. Subject to meeting the immigration status requirements and certain other switching conditions, you can switch from your current visa type to a skilled worker visa from inside the UK.
Yes, you can switch to a skilled worker visa from inside the UK if you are in the UK under a visa category from which switching is permitted and you meet all the eligibility requirements for a skilled worker visa as set out in the Immigration Rules.
The Skilled Worker Visa is a category within the UK immigration points-based system designed for individuals who have a confirmed job offer from a UK employer and meet specific eligibility criteria for skill level, salary, and English language proficiency.
You must have a confirmed job offer from a UK employer with a sponsorship license, meet the required skill and qualification level for the job, demonstrate English language proficiency, and satisfy the financial requirements.
In most cases, you can apply to switch to a Skilled Worker Visa from inside the UK if you meet the eligibility criteria. However, certain visa categories may require you to leave the UK for the application process.
Yes, you can change employers while holding a Skilled Worker Visa. However, your new employer must be willing to sponsor your skilled worker visa, and you may need to submit a new visa application for updating your skilled worker visa.
Yes, your job offer must meet the minimum salary threshold set by the UK government to switch into the Skilled Worker Visa category. The specific threshold depends on the occupation and other factors.
Yes, you can apply to switch to a skilled worker visa if your prospective employer is willing to apply for a sponsor licence to sponsor you under the skilled worker visa category. Our specialist team of skilled worker visa solicitors can provide a Priority Service for your prospective employer to get a sponsor licence within 10 working days.
If the applicant is applying for permission to stay and has been in the UK with permission for 12 months or longer on the date of application, they will meet the financial requirement and do not need to show funds.
If the applicant has been in the UK for less than 12 months on the date of application, either:
the applicant must have funds of at least £1,270; or
the sponsor must certify that they will, if necessary, maintain and accommodate the applicant up to the end of the first month of their employment, to an amount of at least £1,270.
You cannot apply to switch to a Skilled Worker visa from inside the UK if you are currently in the UK:
on a visit visa
on a short-term student visa
on a Parent of a Child Student visa
on a seasonal worker visa
on a domestic worker in a private household visa
on immigration bail
because you were given permission to stay outside the immigration rules, for example on compassionate grounds
You must leave the UK and apply for a Skilled Worker visa entry clearance from abroad if you are in one of the above-listed visa categories.
Under the new points-based system, an Intra Company Transfer (ICT) migrant can switch from an ICT visa to a Skilled Worker visa inside the UK. As specialist skilled worker visa solicitors, we can provide the required legal help and assistance with an application to switch from an ICT visa to a skilled worker visa. There is no cooling off period for switching from an ICT visa to a Skilled Worker visa from inside the UK. Similarly, a person on an ICT Dependant visa can also switch to a Skilled Worker visa from inside the UK.
You can switch to a skilled worker visa from inside the UK if you are currently in the UK on a spouse/partner visa as a spouse of a British citizen or settled person. You are also permitted to switch to a skilled worker visa from inside the UK if you are currently in the UK on a dependent visa as a dependent of a person with a work visa in the UK. It is very common for ICT dependants or Student dependants to switch to a Skilled Worker visa from inside the UK.
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